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7sky.life Resolutions Ideas 2016

Dearest Friends and Partners, beautiful humans out there!

For these celebration days of this end of 2015, let’s all reflect on one question: How can I contribute to our world, to make it a little bit brighter, shinier, more beautiful? What can I do TODAY to offer a better world to our children? A world where NATURE counts, where the OTHER counts, where You, You, You and Me count!

There are hundreds and thousands of things we can do! All of us! In this matter, we’re family, we’re all connected. What happens out there is OUR story! Wars, pollution, madness, hate, anger! Offering it our energy only leads to more of it.

If people die and get sick and ill and give birth to disabled children in textile factories…, it is OUR fault, because we vote for this procedures by buying the clothes that are produced with no respect for the ones making them for us! We run behind 3 for 2 sales and don’t even waste a thought about how this can be, on behalf of whom?!?

Did you know that in 1 single day, we consume fossil energy which took ONE MILLION days to grow!?! And that only the sun offers us daily 15’000 times more energy as we would need on our Earth!? Sun energy, wind, water exist! Trains exist and cars that do not even use fossil energy!

We just can’t continue to behave like we didn’t know what’s going in our world! How we harm our environment! Time has come to change our ways of thinking and of acting! We need to become responsible what happens out there! Listen more to our hearts and follow its voice. We need to think in terms of ‘less is more’. More quality for less quantity! It is indeed possible, it just needs a change of mind

Together, in 2016, let’s bring more love into our world, more caring, more generosity, more of US, our deepest fundings!… Because love and connection is the stuff our world is made of, is what WE are made of!

Let’s partner up!

Contribution, not exclusion!

Love, not fear!

Joy, not depression!

Peace, not war!

We are love, we are made of love, the time has come to put our Love in Action!

So, the question is… What are your Resolutions for 2016?

Together, we make it happen.

Because You, You, You and Me, we are ONE! let’s act that way, and share your story on https://up.7sky.life.

Your Coco & 7sky.life Dreamteam***

Coco Tache supports

Bea Johnson / zero waste in 5 steps


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