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7sky.life in Bimini – letter of gratitude

This platform is about sharing our deepest love, our deepest feelings… let all of us become part of the beauty that happens out there. It’s about encouragement, it’s about inspiring, and for sure, it’s about love!… I want to share with you letters that we have written after our unforgettable week in Bimini with our amazing guide Joebaby and the dolphins. Enjoy… with so much love, and thank you soooo much, Joebaby, to have made it happen! This week meant the world to me…

Joebaby, and all of you!!!… (written 11th May 2015)

I copy paste Joebabys words into my mind, my soul and into this mail, it is exactly what I have felt, this absolute and wonderful beautiful connection between all of us! Bimini wasn’t about dolphins, but they were the reason we united, and I do have the impression they were with us all the time!… We did experience an immersion… Completeness, beauty and love, playfulness and joy! SACREDNESS! When I close my eyes and review our week, I have images about our beautiful table, our celebration times, sharings, about our time in the church, about Joebaby dancing on the boat, exceptional one-to-one moments with each one of you, images like Iker hanging onto the boat rail with this expression of bliss, you guys diving, Pepe, swimming, diving and kissing the dolphins, the 3 dolphins making the spiral in front of him, about Jobel sharing his magic with us, again and again:)… About our Saskia representing the divine MOM, about Christian’s tenderness and open heart and about the dolphins, playing all around us, totally ecstatic, … Wow! Wow! Wow! WOW!

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for the love, your trust, for BEING who you are!!!

I greatly think that we have received an immense gift from heaven! God and Jesus were talking to us!…

I feel soooo blessed! Ahhhhhhhh….

Joebaby, you are AMAZING!!!…Brought it all together.  Thank you for this so unforgettable experience… thank you KERI, for having introduced us!!!

Beyond, beyond, beyond any expectations!!!



I wish you an amazing start in this week, and may this energy of love, compassion and completeness be with us all the time.

So much love, and THANK YOU!!!

Your Coco


And here come the words from Joebaby, so beautiful, so deep, so sincere…


My highlights today are that I CAN STILL FEEL YOU HERE!!! 🙂

Another highlight is the warm glow i feel in my heart every time i think of you… I look back on the love and joy and laughter we shared and i feel happy… Another highlight is being out in the crazy windy weather and having fun anyway… all the delicious meals, cooked with such love and beautiful energy… all the beautiful sharings; our open-heartedness with each other…

I’m savoring our time together, letting it move and activate energy within me… The other day i asked the sea why we had such rough weather, it was a bit unsettling (i wanted you to experience the ‘real’ Bahamas). A beautiful answer came so softly and with such love and sweetness; it said that our time together wasn’t about the dolphins, it was about the quality of connection we shared…

That really strikes home for me… how blessed we are to have spent such quality time together; to bask in the mutual love and respect of friends old and new coming together in community, to explore and share and journey into adventure together in the spirit of appreciation, joy and mutuality!!!

This is, for me, the gift of our connection… I love you all!!! Sending you big hugs from Bimini!!! Looking forward to seeing what is next for us as a beautiful pod of kindred souls!!!



Coco Tache supports

Joe Noonan / Diving Deeper


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