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”7sky.life – Building a beautiful world”

How does the world look like we all want to live in?
How are our relationships?
Our jobs?
Our food?
How do we respect nature?
Time has come to gather, to share, to contribute, to present solutions for ourselves and others to adopt.
Let’s do it in a sacred manner and in celebration.
7sky.life is an answer of what we’ve been waiting for : US !


The Heart Connection Tribe
A new world is being created. A world in which humans are appreciated by their differences. This world is dotted with love, joy, creativity, healing and beauty. We invite you all to become Ambassadors of the Heart Connection Tribe. A movement of wonderful beings who recognize themselves in their values and who share with generosity and kindness the stories that made them grow. That what they want the world to know about. www.7sky.life is your first appointment. A collaborative media and platform of contribution, a community and a worldmap with events organized by women, men, initiatives and companies working in the same direction.

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7sky.life Dreamteam


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