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4 days of love… from 9th to 12th May in Arolla, Switzerland, join Au Coeur des Temps

It took NiceFuture 14 years and countless meetings with the actors of change, to create an event that unifies the currents of our world, in harmony with Mother Earth.

24 first peoples (great political and/or spiritual leaders), scientists, agro-foresters and quantum physicists gather from 9th to 12th May 2018 in Arolla, in the Swiss Alps, to celebrate life, share their wisdom, and finally, lift the vibration of exchange and mutual understanding to a whole new level, perhaps never experienced by a collective before.

From 9th to 12th May in Arolla, we drop the masks, and devote ourselves to what life wants to manifest through the representatives of the human race on the spot, in order to spread this embodied energy, assimilated and in unity, into the four directions of the world.

NiceFuture, Aquaverde, Planète Amazone, 7sky.life, Becurious and the other partners with whom we organize this project, offer the opportunity to 40 people from the outside, to join in flesh and blood to this vision and to actively participate in it. Not as a spectator, but as an integral part of this great reunification for the Earth.

Financial support per person: CHF. 1’500.- (all inclusive)

Registration required on the crowdfunding website: Lokalhelden

Other supports are possible! Thank you for sharing this info with the greatest number of people possible.


NiceFuture supports

Au cœur des temps - When Mother Earth encourages us to act, 9th to 17th May 2018, Leysin (CH)


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