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The 100 Million Campaign

Text : Fiona Zanetti 

The 100 Million Campaign aims to save 100 Million liters of water in Shanghai by replacing all the water urinals by water less urinals.

They believe that rethinking business models by involving a sustainable perspective can generate tremendous impacts with simple actions. In their case, they focus on saving water by making new technologies available, convenient and affordable to landlords, thanks to a supporting media business model.Their action is to replace traditional urinals by 100% eco waterless urinals with an HD LCD screen embedded within the urinal.

On one side, the water consumption of each replaced urinal will drop from 150’000 liters per urinal per year to 0; on the other side, we create a great media opportunity.China has about 1/4 of water resources per capita compared to the world’s average. Yet, water is still so cheap that we tend to take it for granted while in fact water is literally our life. Let’s make a difference.Joining the 100 Million Campaign is easy, you just need to say YES.

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