TECHO Antofagasta – 7SKY.LIFE

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TECHO Antofagasta

TECHO Chile and more specifically their offices in Antofagasta were created in response to an urgent poverty reality in Chile, especially in the North. In Chile, over 2.4 million people live in a situation of poverty and more than 36’000 families live in primitive camps. In the Antofagasta region alone, over 4’100 families live in extreme poverty in the 55 camps around the city. These camps equal grim living and hygienic conditions and are made up of tents and fragile wooden houses, built on government owned land.

The NGO’s goal is to improve the living conditions and perspectives for the future of these families by building a proper infrastructure, mediating between the different cultures and educating the people of these camps. Over 127 TECHO volunteers permanently work in these camps, for example addressing the infrastructural problems by building solid houses and installing electricity and water. More than 80 adults and 59 children are participating in education programs provided by the volunteers, just to name a few of the concrete projects that are being put into place.

TECHO is working in close cooperation with the elected directors of the camps. Collectively, they organize monthly meetings with all the inhabitants to discuss the most urgent needs that have to be addressed. The NGO then finds the funds, volunteers and experts required to put concrete projects and processes into place. In Villa Constancia, the camp Share A Dream worked with, TECHO is additionally fulfulling an important role to act as mediator between the Chileans and all the other nationalities living in this camp. Together they have constructed 20 houses and installed electricity and water in all of them. They also collaborate to organise weekly educational workshops for the camp’s children and adults.

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