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My poignant encounter with Nicci who is fighting to « finally blossom on earth »

I agreed to go to Amsterdam to do a report, exceptionally pre-planned, about a « musician on water », known as the enchanter of Amsterdam, its canals and passers-by, Reinier SijpkensAn article on his work and the powerful joy that it generates will follow … We had planned to shoot on Monday 21 May, Whit Monday. Reinier informed me that we would have to postpone our report until Tuesday because he had to look after a friend who was seriously ill. Nicci Schoemaker, a single young mother of a 10-year old boy, suffering from a very serious cancer, in fact an « irreversible » one, according to doctors. Faithful to the spirit of Joy for the Planet, I asked Reinier to ask his friend if she would agree to leave her hospital bed to experience a day aboard Begoodee, with her son, in order to bring her a little joy, lightness, space and freedom. Reinier called me an hour later to tell me that his friend had accepted my invitation with gratitude. I was surprised that she granted me one of her precious days … In the end, this trip will have given birth to a friendship for life and a video testimony of incredible intensity dedicated to her son Nick.

Reinier went to collect Nicci from hospital and I joined them at her small apartment an hour later. I was struck by her great beauty, radiance, gentleness and her benevolent charisma, despite her great fatigue and sadness. I was also very moved by her son 10 years, Nick, a little man of intelligence and exceptional maturity. When I asked him, during our walk, what he wanted to do later, he answered me straight to the point: « I haven’t got a clue, it’s now that’s important! « . Respect. Walking a few steps in the forest nevertheless required Nicci to tap into her energy reserves. There she told me about the inhuman conditions she was subjected to in the hospital where she was undergoing treatment, where each patient is treated like a number, an object, something « sick » instead of being looked after like a human being. She, of all people, would be so much in need of gentle gestures, cuddles and sympathy.

Niccistyle, dresses that teach us to love ourselves

She also shared her passion for vintage clothes with me and told me how much she was keen on making women beautiful by finding unique pieces, so that the women who wear them feel unique in their turn. She absolutely adored browsing through all the markets of the region, with utmost care and patience, to find treasures to sell or even to give away to the neediest women. We spent some time at her place during our interview. I felt humble in front of so much dignity and elegance, clairvoyance and wisdom. Whilst showing me her wardrobes full of finds, Nicci even offered me several beautiful items of clothing! For the first time in a very long time, I actually felt pretty, to the point of being deeply moved by it! She had already, through me, achieved one of her goals in life: to embellish women.

The hurt little girl is now an adult who has forgotten to live

Nicci also wishes to invite all those who suffer from post-traumatic syndromes to free themselves as quickly as possible from the ghosts of the past. Herself abused since childhood by « those who should have loved and protected her », she is convinced that her illness was rooted in the suffering of the girl she used to be, and then of the adult who has never loved herself. If she had received psychological support following these aggressions, she firmly believes she would certainly not be where she is today.

Nicci’s case is « irreversible » according to doctors and « time is running out ». But she believes that a new life is still possible and she wants to fight now to receive the treatment (other than chemotherapy) that she knows to be the best for her, relying totally on her intuition and listening to her body. She believes in it and all she needs is positive energy. So if you read this message, if you watch this video and feel the momentum to support Nicci, we would be very grateful. Simply words of love, gentleness and confidence. Nicci wants to give herself every chance of healing by being able to drink from benevolent and vivifying words, like « a shield of love and light » around her. Do not worry about it either. Even though they are separated, their son Nick’s father takes care of them and Nicci takes full advantage of his son’s presence while gradually setting up an alternative care structure in which she believes with all her heart. Nicci continues to pick up her son at school every day and hopes to return home soon, surrounded by the caregivers she needs.

Nicci’s dream

Moreover, Nicci is considering the possibility of getting treatment through quantum medicine and adapted nutrition such as macrobiotics. If she manages to heal, Nicci has a very good project in mind: to create a place in Holland where seriously ill people can be welcomed and who, like her, need to be taken seriously, listened to and accompanied in a programme of care which suits their needs and deep feelings. She envisages a health centre combining holistic therapies with allopathic medicine. « If I get better, I will take care of the residents like members of my own family. I will dress women, paint their nails, do massages to the patients, listen to what they have to say and to share with me. I will take them in my arms, « says the young mother, almost jubilant at the thought of ​​realizing her dream.

We have just spent an unforgettable week with Nicci. « I had so much fun working on this video with you that I even forgot about my illness! » she comments with a loud chuckle. And as for me, I feel very privileged to have become her friend and the one who presented her beauty and radiance to the world.

My dear readers, thank you for being here, as always, full of benevolence and generosity. I will be on the road again in a couple of days to continue to make myself available to all those who, like Nicci, might need me, my bus, my Ulysse, my camera and my love.


Isabelle Alexandrine supports

La vérité de Nicci - "Oublie tout et célébrons la vie ensemble"


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